I will be taking down my old fanfics from Fanfiction.net in the near future. If, y’know, there’s anyone out there who still cares about those. The...

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Split out and re-released the RPG section of RiftBreak (from way back in 2020!) with some better quality of life features https://xcvg.itch.io/tim

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I already found a bug in CommonCore 4.1.1, looks like there’s going to be a 4.1.2 after all (at some point)

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CommonCore 4.1.1 is out! Just another very minor release. https://github.com/XCVG/commoncore/releases/tag/4.1.1

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Yes, these “link below the fold” posts are because are because the theme I use strips links from post excerpts. Once I figure out how to...

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Inktober drawings will be added to main site soon… ish. Busy with various things, some expected, and some not. 2023 is approaching fast!

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